Carla Natalucci Hall
Carla Natalucci Hall
Credentials: Psy. D
Practice: Carla Natalucci- Hall, Psy.D, P. C
Phone: (917) 853-6002
Location: 271 Jericho Turnpike, Floral Park, NY 11001, USA
Insurance Accepted: United Healthcare, Oxford, Cigna, Magnacare
Fees: $175 per 45 minute session
Specializing In—
ADHD and PTSD, Trauma, Anxiety and Stress
My interest in Psychology and helping others developed at Fordham University in New York City. The need for highly trained people to work in the areas of Anxiety, ADHD, and PTSD was clear! Next level skills were obtained with a Masters in Developmental Psychology at Teachers College, Columbia University and a Doctorate in Clinical Psychology at Long Island University.
Since graduating in 1996, I have been in private practice working with children, adolescents, college students, and adults with ADHD, PTSD, and Anxiety using a comprehensive model that can include CBT, EMDR, and Mindful Tools & Strategies applied in an Individual or Group or combined format. Over 24 years, I have helped clients adaptively manage different symptoms effectively. In addition, I have assisted in the development of self regulation and this has helped support client's goals. Transitional issues for college, graduate, law, and medical students as well as Residents are addressed using Positive Psychology, Mindfulness and Coaching techniques.
To contribute to Psychology, I mentor at Fordham University, present my ADHD program nationally and internationally, and have been an Ambassador for The National Register of Health Service Providers in Psychology in 2019. I am a certified EMDR therapist, approved EMDR Consultant, and an approved Continuing Education Provider for EMDRIA. I serve as consultant to other EMDR Practitioners who would like to become certified in EMDR and for consultations for work with children, adolescents, and individuals with Anxiety or ADHD. I am a member of the APA, the National Register of Health Services Psychologists, NYSPA, EMDRIA, SCPA, NCPA, CHADD, and the Trauma Response Network.