Anna Fekete
Anna Fekete
Credentials: PhD, LMHC, LCAT, MT-BC
Practice: Dr. Anna Fekete
Phone: (347) 608-0910
Location: 19 West 34th Street New York, NY 10001
Insurance Accepted: Out of Network
Fees: $60 - $280
Specializing In—
Addiction / Substance Abuse, Anger Management, Anxiety, Bipolar Disorder, Career Counseling, Depression, Divorce, Eating Disorders, Family Conflict, Grief, Life Transitions, Relationship Issues, Sex Therapy, Stress, Trauma and PTSD
I started my career as a classical musician, but soon my interest in the scientific and metaphysical aspects of the human condition took over.
As I have extensive training and professional experience not only in clinical psychology, psychotherapy, hypnotherapy, CBT, EMDR, systemic constellations, couples therapy, and coaching, but also in music, dance, and the creative arts, as well as in various body-mind techniques (yoga, shiatsu, TCM, martial arts, meditation and trance techniques, etc.), in my therapeutic work I use a rather rich and varied repertoire of therapeutic and coaching techniques.
At the moment I live in NYC, am the Supervisor of Psychiatric Rehabilitation Therapy at Mount Sinai St. Luke's and Mount Sinai West Hospitals, and run a successful private practice in Manhattan.
In 25+ years of professional experience, I have worked with the whole gamut of psychological and relationship problems, psychiatric disorders, and neuropsychological conditions both in clinical and in private settings.
I have worked for large corporations and small companies, and have been a successful trainer, workshop leader, and lecturer at several universities for over two decades.
Having a large international clientele, I am a well-established online coach and therapist.
My online coaching and psychotherapy services are always available in English, German and Hungarian from anywhere in the world.
If you feel you would like to find out more about how short-term counseling and coaching, longer-term psychotherapy, other self-developmental venues, systemic family constellations (Hellinger-therapy) or my online coaching and therapy services might help you, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Clinical Psychology – University of Pécs (Hungary)
Clinical Psychotherapy – Semmelweis University, Medical School, Budapest (Hungary)
PhD in Music Psychotherapy – Hochschule für Musik und Theater, Hamburg (Germany)
MA in Psychology – Newport University (US) / Karoli University, Budapest
Licensed Psychotherapist - New York (US)
European Certificate of Psychotherapy – European Association for Psychotherapy
European Certificate in Psychology – Registered EuroPsy Psychologist / Clinical and Health Psychology
Hypnotherapy – Association for Integrative Psychotherapy, Budapest
Sexology and Sex Therapy – Semmelweis University, Medical School, Budapest
Systemic Family Constellations - Systems Academy, Budapest / Deutsche Ges. f. Systemaufstellungen
Voice Movement Therapy – International Association for VMT, London (UK)
Music Therapy – University of Surrey, London (UK)